About the Torah Portions Series


In 2018, I started a new, weekly series that I’d been contemplating for a while: a work for each parashat hashavua, the Torah portion read during a given week and recited in full on Shabbat mornings.

On Simchat Torah, we conclude reading the last verses of the last, 5th book of the Torah, and start again from the first lines, in the first book: Breishit – Genesis.

I began this series right after Simchat Torah in 2018, and made a drawing a week until we got to the end of the book of Breishit (with the occasional lag time) – 12 drawings in total for the first book of the Torah.

As I finished each week’s drawing, I also put them on Instagram.

Please click on a piece to go to its page and see a larger image, more information about the work, a description of the Torah portion, and the text itself, in both Hebrew and English.

I hope you enjoy the work – and who knows, one day I may return to complete weekly drawings for the entire Torah.

Shabbat shalom – may you have a restful day of peace!


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