5. Chayei Sarah - studio margalit

חיי שרה

Chayei Sarah ; The Life of Sarah

November 4, 2018

Pen and ink on paper

About the Torah Portion

From the Book of Breishit ; Genesis  /  בראשית

Chapters and Verses: כג:א - כה:יח  /  25:18 - 23:1

A Short Summary:

The wife of the father to great and numerous peoples passes away, and her family mourns and looks for a way forward.

Text inspiring the Artwork

Read the Torah portion right here!

Click the chapter number to see the
Hebrew and English side by side

פרק כג / Chapter 23
פרק כד / Chapter 24
פרק כה / Chapter 25




Jewish Publication Society's 1917

Hebrew and Translation from:
